Nighttime Fear and Separation Anxiety
If you have an older toddler or preschooler, you may have started to see some increased fear and anxiety around bedtime. As difficult as this can be – rest assured – it is completely normal. Here are some helpful tips when dealing with bedtime fears and anxieties.
Newborn Sleep Tips
You can learn all about newborn sleep - and download my free guide - in this blog post.
Women Supporting Women
Today I'm highlighting just a few women owned local businesses that I love
The Perfect Sleep Environment
A short read about the quick changes you can make to create the perfect sleep environment.
Two-to-One Nap Transition
Is your little one approaching the two-to-one nap transition? Here are some helpful hints and a sample schedule!
Kids Books About Sleep
Books are a great part of the bedtime routine. Here are just a few of my favorite books about sleep.
Safe Sleep Recommendations
Safe Sleep Recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics
Wake Windows
Wake windows are the amount of time between when your child wakes up and their next nap or overnight sleep. Want to know more? Read on!
Toddler Bedtime Battles
If you find yourself in constant battles at bedtime, check out some helpful hints in this blog post.
Why I hired - and then became - a sleep consultant
Want to learn more about my journey? Read about why I hired - and then became - a sleep consultant.
Spring Forward
Do you have a baby or toddler at home and are dreading the upcoming time change? Here is an easy way to hand the change - either before or after it happens.